Найдите лучшее масло для вашего автомобиля

Показатели деятельности

  • API TC
  • Husqvarna
  • Piaggio Hexagon


A full synthetic two stroke engine oil, formulated with carefully selected high quality synthetic base oils (ester) and special two stroke additives.
- a perfect lubrication of all motor parts
- a very active detergency, preventing from deposits in the combustion zone and at the scavenger ports
- preventing spark plugs from fouling, in this way securing an optimal output of the engine
- a very strong activity against wear and corrosion.
- a very limited formation of smoke
- self-mixing
- excellent lubrication performance at extremely low temperatures, often well below freezing point.

- excellent lubrication performance at extremely low temperatures, often well below freezing point.

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This self-mixing two-stroke oil is ideally suited for use in high-speed and heavy-duty two-stroke engines such as snowmobiles and is suitable for use in extremely cold environments.


  Unit Average Value
Плотность при 15 °C kg/l 0.880
Вязкость при 40 °C °C 44..00
Вязкость при 100 °C °C 8.80
Коэффициент вязкости 185
Температура вспышки по Кливленду °C 78
Температура застывания °C -48
Общее щелочное число mgKOH/g 6.6


12x1L 3x5L

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