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Meets the requirements of:

  • Yamaha
  • Mercury Verado
  • Suzuki
  • Honda
  • Johnson/Evinrude
  • Tohatsu/Nissan


A four stroke engine oil for outboard application, formulated with carefully selected high quality base oils and special four stroke additives to achieve the following properties:
- a perfect lubrication of all motor parts
- a very active detergency, resulting in a cleaner motorcompartment
- good cold start properties
- a very strong activity against wear, oxidation and corrosion
- excellent shear stability

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This four-stroke engine oil is special advised for the lubrication of high speed four stroke engines under heavy duty load. Because four stroke outboard engines require other properties for engine oils, this oil is not suitable for use in passenger cars. This engine oil meets the newest requirement for outboard engines of the NMMA.


  Unit Average Value
Плотность при 15 °C kg/l 0.870
Вязкость при 40 °C mm²/s 89.40
Вязкость при 100 °C mm²/s 13.40
Вязкость при минус 25 °C mPas 6230
Коэффициент вязкости 151
Температура вспышки по Кливленду °C 218
Общее щелочное число mgKOH/g 7.7


12x1L 210L IBC

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