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PXC 300

This is a very concentrated treatment additive for petrol engines, with an extreme cleansing effect, even after combustion. The product cleans the fuel system, injectors and valves, and ensures better combustion of the engine. Optimizes fuel consumption, ensures cleaner exhaust gases, improves combustion and the performance of your engine.

  • Cleans and lubricates the entire fuel system;
  • Optimizes fuel consumption;
  • Ensures cleaner exhaust gases;
  • Improves the combustion and performance of the engine;
  • Neutralises harmful components within the fuel tank

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This product is applicable to both indirect and direct injection petrol engines. The product is suitable for use during maintenance and for consumer-usage.

Add 300ml  to a 50l fuel tank or a dosage of 0.8% (v/v). Also allow this product to be sucked in through the inlet section. Do this with the engine idling at an increased speed of approximately 3500 min-1. After this treatment, it is recommended to go for a drive. Drive for about 15 minutes at an increased speed of about 3500min-1.

One bottle of 300ml is suitable the treatment of approx. 50 litre petrol fuel.


  Unit Average Value
Плотность при 15 °C kg/l 0.80
Температура вспышки по Кливленду °C > 200°C
Цвет Transparant
Щелочное число (pH 5,5)



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