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  This chain-saw oil is based upon high quality low aromatic solvent-refined base oils under addition of special additives to obtain the following properties:
- a very high grade of tackiness, preventing the oil from fling of the chain
- excellent lubricity

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This chain-saw oil has been specially formulated to lubricate the chain of chain-saws preventing this oil from overheating and loss of strength. The high grade of tackiness prevents the oil to fling from the chain. The chain-saw oil cannot be used for the lubrication of the engine of the saw.


  Unit Average Value
Плотность при 15 °C kg/l 0,887
Вязкость при 40 °C mm²/s 150,00
Вязкость при 100 °C mm²/s 14,80
Коэффициент вязкости 98
Температура вспышки по Кливленду °C 245
Температура застывания °C -20


12x1L 4x4L 3x5L 20L 60L 210L IBC

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